OPUS 3000 reworked the DJ Tennis/ Fink collabo ‘Certain Angles’ and the result is going to make you shiver

The remix is part of a to-be-released EP full of interesting interpretations of the original song, titled ‘Certain Angles’, which features the voice of beloved artist Fink.


You probably never heard of OPUS 3000 before but you certainly know its members. This new Italian band is composed of Clockwork‘s Francesco Leali, as well as piano maestra Gloria Campaner and cello magician Alessandro Branca. It is without any surprises that these three instantly connected with fellow Italian DJ Tennis latest single, Certain Angles, featuring beloved songwriter Fink on vocal duties.

OPUS 3000

DJ Tennis – who goes by the real name Manfredi Romano – released a fascinating DJ-Kicks double-disc this summer – a really tender and subtle electronica selecta with a blend of tracks including notably Jon Hopkins, Caribou, Rival Consoles and Maribou State. As we always say, artists words are worth a thousand of ours – thus let us hear  how Francesco Leali described their work when creatively processing the DJ Tennis original material:

‘Alessandro and I hadn’t heard any other versions of ‘Certain Angles’ (as there wasn’t an original version yet) and got sent a file containing vocals and a piano recording. We immediately thought it was utterly beautiful, Fin writes in a way that in my opinion is timeless and we wanted to come up with something that would do it justice although we’re not entirely sure we succeeded in our intent.

We had a bunch of different directions we wanted to take but they all seemed quite shallow in the end, we were basically overthinking it till one day we sat down, wrote a string section and a really simple drum groove for it and found it flowed quite well – the simplest idea ended up being the one we should have gone for right away. Nevertheless getting to work on a track for one of my favourite voices in music is a milestone I’m pretty proud of as well as grateful to have been given this opportunity. Hope you enjoy it.’

You can listen to the original version here, and we strongly recommend you to check out the sound of OPUS 3000 as well: their debut LP Benevolence is out November 24, and their first single really mesmerizes us with its hypnotic and reverberated layers of strings.

The full EP of remixes of ‘Certain Angles’ will be released on October 27, catch the world premiere of this haunting rework right now on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION.

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