One day after seeing RANGLEKLODS at Festsaal Kreuzberg in Berlin we found ourselves at the same location again. Same location, different act. Different act from the same country. This time it was the Danish pop wunderkind ASBJØRN. We also met ASBJØRN at last year’s SPOT Festival for the very first time. At this time everything seemed to start off for him (he was only 19 when we met him in Århus). Now, in March 2013, he is twenty (which is still pretty young) and played in front of hundreds of fans in Berlin.
It is stunning with which perfection ASBJØRN and his band act on stage. Musically it is more than complex but still catchy at every point. A voice that could not be more perfect. And the way this young man moves on stage shows that he is no one but himself. ASBJØRN found himself in the music he creates and by playing and singing these songs live he brings pop music to the most honest level ever. There are not many pop concerts that fascinated me as much as this one. When the The Criminal, the single off ASBJØRN‘s debut album Sunken Ships, the crowd was singing the refrain don’t ask me how or when I got here / it’s a long story to tell / don’t tell me stories of sunken ships / it’s too much for me to take in”. This was almost too much, in a positive way.
In a short talk right after the show ASBJØRN was happy that so many people showed up. He literally inhaled the atmosphere of this evening. This evening hopefully was the one that could be called “initial spark in Germany” for him. NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION keeps the fingers crossed for ASBJØRN and hopes to meet him more often on German stages from now on.