Location change and first details for Dunk!Festival 2014


dunk festival 2014 - first details

Dunk!Festival fans and fans of post-rock music rejoice! As official dunk! media partner, NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION is the first in line with some big news regarding the festival. First off, a brand new location. Next year, the festival will take place on the grounds of youth hostel “De Populier”, which is still located in Zottegem, but at 2km from the city center. Second, it’s important to note that, in contrast with earlier communications on the subject, the 2014 edition will again feature two separate stages, which will be setup in two tents next to the main building. The main building itself will serve as restaurant, merchandising shop and chill-out area. By now, the attentive reader will probably be wondering how all of this tenting would be possible without freezing one’s ass off. Well, this brings us to the third big announcement; Dunk!Festival 2014 will take place on April 18-19-20 instead of during the last weekend of March. What is more, as of 2015, our pilgrimage to Zottegem will even have to take place during the first weekend of May. Psyched? Yes, sir!

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