LITTLE BOOTS – Nocturnes
1. Motorway
2. Confusion
3. Broken Record
4. Shake
5. Beat Beat
6. Every Night I Say A Prayer
7. Crescendo
8. Strangers
9. All For You
10. Satellite
Nearly four years have passed since we’ve heard from LITTLE BOOTS, known as Victoria Christina Hesketh off stage. Hands, her debut album, featured New in Town and Remedy, lively songs that bounce out of the radio.
Nocturnes is a strong sophomore album, showcasing her matured sound without dismissing her disco pop touch. The album opens with Motorway, a slow motion track that sets the listener up for a late night cruise. The synth bob that twangs in your head calls to mind the image of headlamps passing over the roof of your car. Motorway‘s chorus evokes a sound from early 90’s trance, melodic and oscillating. Confusion follows close behind with attention grabbing lyrics, quickly dismissing the idea of a slow build up. This runway-esque tune easily persuades the listener to bob their head with an array of drum kits and whirling sounds. The runway is then promptly pulled out from beneath you, landing you in a dark, thudding club with Broken Record. A pulsing bass line slithers across Broken Record‘s opening violin loop, creating a seductive track that lures you toward the dance floor. Shake swallows the listener with its robotic rasps and sprinkling of Latin influence, effectively putting you into a trance.
LITTLE BOOTS is steady in creating a ghostly ambiance that dissipates and imbeds itself into these opening tunes but is quick to offer up a reprieve with Beat Beat, a track reminiscent of her debut album with its sunny composition and smiling lyrics. The album is then swayed back to its nighttime theme with Every Night I Say a Prayer. Crescendo follows through with enough energy to keep a party going. While not a stand-alone track, it does showcase LITTLE BOOTS’ talent in creating different and engaging disco pop songs. Strangers is an indulgent track opening with a futuristic backdrop that is slowly swirled into a sweet, lyrical treat. All For You and Satellites settle themselves nicely at the end of this album, capping off a journey from midnight to dawn. LITTLE BOOTS’ lyrics are smooth without being distracting and act as the perfect companion to the seductive sound she creates. Nocturnes is a night owl album that will move you ’till the morning.