NBHAP presents Low Roar in Berlin, win tickets


low roarBehind the name LOW ROAR hides the Californian Ryan Karazija – some of you might know him as former singer of the indie rock band AUDREY SESSIONS. This band parted in 2010 and Karazija decided to move to a country which could not be more different from California: Iceland. There he founded LOW ROAR together with drummer and keyboardist Logi Guðmundsson, Leifur Björnsson and Mike Lindsay (TUNNG). In 2011 they released their self-titled debut. Their music can be described as reduced cinematic melancholy ambient folk.

Now it’s time for their second album and for a trip to Germany to present the new material. NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION presents LOW ROARs show which takes place March 10 at Urban Spree Berlin. We raffle 2×2 tickets for the show. Just send an email to win@nbhap.com with the subject ‘Low Roar’ (Deadline March 9th). Good luck!

The new record has no title yet but here is a promising cut out. Watch the video below.


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