Track-by-Track and Exclusive Stream: No King. No Crown. unfolds new LP ‘Without Yesterday’

Lovers of gentle singer/songwriter material: get in here and discover this lovely little gem.

No King No Crown - Photo by p0nk f0x

Photo by p0nk f0x

Dresden-based singer/songwriter René Ahlig and his alter ego NO KING. NO CROWN are old friends of NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION who we’ve come to love over the past years. It’s a fitting mixture of talent and passion that fascinates us about this gentleman. Friday will see the release of his new studio album Without Yesterday which is once again packed with stories and emotions. If you happen to love high quality folky music we can’t recommend it enough.

And if you need more arguments: we’re presenting an exclusive stream of Without Yesterday, supported by a detailed Track-by-Track commentary of Mr. Ahlig about the new NO KING. NO CROWN record. Find it all right here.

01. Golden Silver

There are so many things in this world that makes me feel angry. War, hate, inhumanity and rascism. For me, life is supposed to be bright and shiny, but it seems to be so dark. It is gold from the outside, but all the gloss and sparkle fades away when you see our spoiled society, defiance and abuse. I guess, I am living in a world where I cant even trust myself.

02. Dear Doubt

I think a lot of people fail, because of their fears and doubts and I must regret that I am probably one of those. When you have an aim and you know you can’t reach it, because you are fenced by your doubts. Some People are afraid of chances, afraid of taking action to make a different. I doubt a lot, too, but I am afraid of not changing myself. Then you have the other ones who tell you to explore the unknown and discover the wild, but what to do when you are full of doubt and fear to move on?

03. Runaway

This is one of the most personal songs: I always try to avoid conflicts, I am kind of bad with words and I rather run away than facing big problems. It is such a bad habbit but I guess we all have our flaws. But what bothers me the most is, that I misunderstood things my partents tried to teach me: ‘My mum taught me how to walk and I taught myself how to run away…’

04. Trapped In Life

This is about moving on. I believe that we are not supposed to stay with the same people or in the location for our entire life. I know it is hard to leave when you got comfortable with something, but a life full of changes is a life with wonderful experiences. Life is an adventure. We should always go on.

05. Without Yesterday

This is one of the most personal songs I’ve ever written. Music became a really big part in my life and it is so much more than just a free time activity. I spend a lot of time for playing shows, being on the road or in the studio, which also means spending less time with friends and family – the ones I love. It is not always easy and sometimes I need to part ways with people who do not understand my willing to fulfill my dreams. But the choice I have made, is what stand for…

06. (I Am) Homesick

I wrote Homesick when I’ve been on a 20 days tour. far away from home. I really like being on the road but still love being at home, in my own bed, familiar things around me. As much as I love being away, I would always come back.

08. Lionheart

When I ask myself ‘What is a man supposed to do in his life?’ I start thinking what I wanted to become when I was a child. Sometimes I just realize that I became something or someone I didnt want to be or did never expect to be. Comparing to the times I was younger I turned into a stranger today and I dont really know if I would stick to myself if I had the chance to change into someone else.

09. The Force

Again, this is one of the most personal songs I’ve ever written. I am turning 28 next summer and a lot of friends and people surrounding me are getting married, are pregnant or starting to build a house (or all at once). To be honest, that scares me a lot, because I still cant imagine to grow a family or to grow up at all. All I want to do is play music and I totally cant imagine to put my guitar on the shelf.

10. Hazel Grace Lancester

I got inspired by the movie The Faults of our Stars. Hazel Grace is the main character, a girl that suffers from cancer. It is absolutly incredible how strong she is, how she gets along with her life. Hazel still tries to follow her dreams and lives every day as it is the last. She is just enjoying the rest of the time and I got the feeling that she appreciates every second of it – more than other people do. Even life is just half lived, even life is just not a gift…


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