He also opened up about being a true nerd. ‘I’m a serial killer for sounds,’ says James, ‘I collect sounds from other records so I have to know where they come from and how they’re made. I bought every old sampler in existence and bought all the sample libraries. Like a serial killer, basically. I’ve gone through all of the sounds and worked out where everyone got all their sounds from.’ And he also said that the work on Syro motivated him to to do more music in the future. And maybe he’s even trying to release it faster than in a gap of thirteen years.
Every now and then James popped up in the past years to actually play new music. The folks from CoS were so able to track down to early versions of songs that ended up being on Syro. The album arrives on September 22 and you can find these old ‘new APHEX TWIN bits and pieces below.
‘ XMAS_EVET10 [thanaton3 mix]’
‘4 bit 9d api+e+6′