Asbjørn – ‘Pseudo Visions: Ch. 2’ (NBHAP Stream)

The blonde Dane presents its latest selection of songs.


Asbjorn - Press 2014

Danish pop singer ASBJØRN is always a welcomed guest here at NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION; you might know this. During the past year, at regular intervals, the crafted artist presented new videos of his ‘Pseudo Visions’ series. We’re counting seven so far but an eighth one, Call Me By My Name, is already on its way for a release tomorrow. Same goes for the new EP Pseudo Visions – Ch. 2 which will furthermore feature the previously released tracks Moonia, Kiddo and The Love You have In You.

His latest videos are about togetherness and the songs once again show that ASBJØRN got quite an ambitious concept of pop music that expands into diversified directions. The new album by the blonde Dane, the first one on his own label Body of Work, will be released next spring. And you can already dive into the idea of his Pseudo Visions today as NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION presents to the exclusive stream of the forthcoming EP right here.

Pseudo Visions – Ch.2′ will be released digitally and on limited 10” vinyl on November the 1st.


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