Sound of the Night: Bon Homme feat. Lydmor – Daybreaker


Bon Homme - LydmorAs the night is slowly embracing us what better place could we choose then a forest? At least, BON HOMME is joining us right now. A man you clearly need to discover if you haven’t done it yet. But you might already know him. Behind his classy look hides no other than Tomas Høffding, 33% of WHOMADEWHO. While this for most people would be more than enough, it has not prevented him from also creating brilliant electro-pop under the name BON HOMME.

Three years have past since the release of his debut album, but now you don’t have to wait anymore! His second album A Life Less Fancy  is out these days – and here comes the first single from it, called Daybreaker. Are we done? Not at all! It includes guest vocals from none other than the super-talent LYDMOR. In the video ​​the two are displayed as a couple with problems. Whether it’s the couple’s problems that makes BON HOMME’s hands go red is still unknown!

An inteligent number with deepth and delicacy and today’s Sound of the Night here on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION.


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