Photo by Michael Topyol
‘Dope as fuck’ – the words Snoop Dog himself used to describe the Tel Aviv born electronic funk band, BUTTERING TRIO. And indeed, after my chat with the trio ahead of their show in Berlin, I can’t help but agree with him. All producers and musicians in their own right, Yuvi, Beno and Keren combine their musical ears and skills to create a seriously groovy psychedelic sound. With two albums and three EPs already under their belt, their latest album, Threesome, graced the music world last month.
‘The response has been really good so far.’ Keren says of the album. To which Beno chirps in response: ‘overwhelming. Everyday we get good news about the album. For example Tokyo played us, France, the UK. People seem to love the music.’ So much love for the music that, ‘we’re on the watch list for Shazam in France, so we’ve had over 6000 clicks in a week. So I was like wow.’, Yuvi shares excitedly.
The Threesome (pun intended) travel all around the world playing live shows thus making the whole recording process that bit more varied and interesting: ‘We took two days in the studio in Tel Aviv, recorded some ideas, two days in Berlin, meanwhile we’re touring and when we had a day off we tried to book a studio. So the process was really fun, enjoyable, we don’t have rules. Like Keren can do the drums, I do the bass or the opposite. So we all give each other the space to create.’ Beno reflects. The laid back and almost hippy-feel their music creates is reflected in the trio’s dynamic and way of writing together as Yuvi states:
‘I feel like that’s what’s fun about creating with each other: you can let go. You can be stubborn about something but if the other two are like we’re doing it that way, then it goes that way. When you let go you get something from them, which is brilliant. You get something that’s not just yours, but ours.’
Forcing yourself to forget
The dynamic that so obviously works between the three was first formed in an underground recording studio in Berlin: ‘We’d wanted to live here for a while and the music just came from being here.’ Keren reflects. ‘It’s not like we came here to make music, we came here and the music was born here.’ I ask if the Berlin techno scene influenced their music at all: ‘I think what we hear online is the stuff that influences us the most. It’s not limited by region cause I think musical inspirations aren’t limited. We listen to music from all over the world. LA scene, beat scene, jazz scene, it’s a fusion of all this stuff.’
From talking to BUTTERING TRIO, it’s clear to me they have a very healthy and easy way of working with each other, as they all have one clear simplistic aim: to create the best music they can by taking advantage of each others skills and ideas. They have also previously described themselves as ‘using heavy beats, fat bass lines and sweet yet poignant lyrics…to bring some peace in a troubled region’. However, in a year such as 2016 where wars continue to kill millions, Trump becomes President and Brexit takes place, surely ‘peace’ is becoming harder to maintain? ‘We try to create music as a breakthrough and forget about all that stuff.’ Beno tells me. ‘Maybe you have some problems that make you sad, but if you can get to the position where you can create, you allow yourself to be in a place where there’s less pressure and you can forget.’
Photo by Michael Topyol
Being able to be in a place where you are able to ‘forget’ and ‘create’ as Beno describes, is an incredibly powerful tool in making music. And if by using this skill you are also able to inspire your listeners, perhaps that is something even more powerful: ‘I was just sitting with my friend Jackie and last year she tried to persuade her roommate’s kid to come listen to us play.’ Keren explains. ‘He kicked up a fuss but he came in the end and he was really happy. Apparently, the song Falafel, he totally got the song and message and was really happy and emotional about it. I’m also filled with love when you see people who have hope and not filled with hatred.’ Beno adds:
‘I think everyone who listens and has time will get a message from lots of aspects from the music and the atmosphere we try to create – a non violent one. Not to sit at home and go crazy, its smooth and cool.’
As someone who worries at every little detail about everything, Keren, Beno and Yuvi’s attitude, not just towards their music, but life itself, is something I am incredibly envious about. With more shows and festivals coming up this year as well as the writing of their fourth album, BUTTERING TRIO will continue to spread their ‘non-violent’ message through the synths and beats they so effortlessly create. And it is that ability to keep moving forward as well at that simple message that they continually strive to create, that makes BUTTERING TRIO, truly extraordinary.