Coldplay are joined by Beyoncé and Bruno Mars for Superbowl Halftime Show

How many ideas can you pack into 13 minutes?


Coldplay - Superbowl 50

Last night British soft rock superstars COLDPLAY took the stage at the 50th Superbowl to perform in the half-time of the world’s biggest single sport spectacle. And since it was the 50th anniversary of the American football event Chris Martin and his boys came up with a few surprises (who weren’t that secret at all).

After performing a few of their hits like Viva La Vida and Paradise COLDPLAY left the stage to MARK RONSON and BRUNO MARS first who nailed it with their performance of Uptown Funk. Later on, BEYONCÉ is joining the gang to perform her freshly released new single Formation in a mash-up with MARS and Martin. At this moment you almost forgot that it was COLDPLAY ‘s show.

Say what you want, but the Americans know how to set up such a massive event. Watch the entire craziness right here.

Alternative video link right here.


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