On radio station SiriusXM Martin revealed details on more songs that he wrote in the course of the recording of Ghost Stories: ‘I didn’t feel like I could jump around the stadium and sing them so then some other songs started to come through towards the end of it which felt like they wanted to become a bit bigger so we gotta kind of record them, it just felt like the right thing to do, I can’t explain it.’ He furthermore adds that album number seven will be the ‘competition of some kind of story.’
‘We knew we wanted to make this thing called ‘Ghost Stories’ and then make something else,’ told Martin in an interview with Fresh 102.7 NY, ‘We have just an idea and then we’re gonna go on tour after that.’ As he reveals COLDPLAY are also having some quite interesting ideas about the concept of the show as states: ‘We are trying to do a thing on our next tour where we are trying to think of ways of connecting people while they are coming to the concert because as we all show up to these places and hang out with thousands of other people with exactly the same taste but we all disperse and never talk again so I love it when everyone comes together as one thing as its so poetic and makes me have faith in humanity.’
Sounds like the Chris Martin how we know him. Details on when to expect a new COLDPLAY album are still missing but it looks like the gap won’t be that long this time.