It follows The Lion’s Roar from 2012 and was once again produced by Mike Mogis. Already today the siblings present us a first track out of it in the form of My Silver Lining.
Expect a tender piece of folk pop with an undeniable hit quality. FIRST AID KIT also announced a hand full of European festival dates which you’ll find below the stream of the new single.
07-06 Turku, Finland – Ruisrock
07-10 Traena, Norway – Traenafestivalen
07-12 Karlskrona, Sweden – Hasslofestivalen
07-18 Tønsberg, Norway – Slottsjfell
07-19 Southwold, England – Latitude Festival
07-20 Dublin, Ireland – Longitude Festival
08-15 Hasselt, Belgium – Pukkelpop
08-16 Biddinghuizen, Netherlands – Lowlands
08-17 Crickhowell, Wales- Green Man Festival