Flora Cash – ‘Save Me’ (NBHAP Video Premiere)

All is full of love – the music, these two songwriters and their brand new clip.


Flora Cash - Video 2015

Love in the digital age. It can happen in so many different ways. Cole and Shpresa met as individual musicians via Soundcloud and a first musical attraction quite quickly turned physical. Following a ‘Skype relationship,’ which lasted more than five months the two finally got together face to face, first in Cole’s home of Minneapolis, later in Stockholm where the couple resided and got married as well. Somewhere in the course of this love storm FLORA CASH was born and their new single Save Me sounds even better than that background story.

If you love dreamy folk songs in the tradition of ANGUS AND JULIA STONE or FIRST AID KIT you’ll easily fall for that sunny little gem. It’s kind of hard to resist its charm, we think. Same goes for the sweet music video that follows an unlikely couple through an exciting summer day. Director Lukasz Pytlik on the clip’s concept: ‘The video was shot around Warsaw, Poland. I decided to go with ‘Save me’ as I think that at times – when working on script and later on the video – some songs, in a way, relate to your own story, to the things that are happening in your life. In ‘Save me’ I saw a bitter-sweer story of a love that used to be big, used to mean something yet now it’s gone. In the video I changed it a bit, and decided to leave a glimpse – even if it’s just a tiny one – of hope in the end.’

Save Me is out now via Swedish label ICEA, you can witness the world premiere of the new FLORA CASH clip right now on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION.


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