Inga Copeland (Hype Williams) releases new EP Don’t look back, that’s not where you’re going


Inga Copeland -Thats

INGA COPELAND together with DEAN BLUNT the hauntological and hypnagogic pop duo HYPE WILLIAMS, releases a 3-track EP with production from MARTYN and DVA. Don’t Look Back, That’s Not Where You’re Going is the first EP by HYPE WILLIAMS’ recently founded label World Music (connected to the magnificent label Hippos in Tanks).

[soundcloud url=”https://soundcloud.com/platform/dean-blunt-the-narcissist-ft” comments=”true” auto_play=”false” color=”ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81″]

Listen to EP highlight “So Far So Clean” live performed in the boiler room here:


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