Introducing: Natas Loves You – ‘The Lovechild of Marvin Gaye and Brian Wilson’

Don’t underestimate Luxembourg, they’ve got wild traditions and good music.

Natas Loves You - Photo by Elliott Arndt

NATAS LOVES YOU – Photo by Elliott Arndt

Although memory fades quick in our age we are pretty sure that we already recommended the eclectic world of NATAS LOVES YOU. The young band from Luxembourg not only shares an interest in various musical influences but they also are a bunch of pretty smart and funny guys, judging from what they had to say in the latest of our famous ‘Introducing’ sessions. Be sure to check out their most recent release The 8th Continent and meanwhile we politely invite you to get to know NATAS LOVES YOU a little better and ensure you: you’ll be highly entertained by their thoughts on smoothie bars, bouncy castles and possible job alternatives in the WU TANG CLAN.

How would you describe your music to a deaf person?
If Marvin Gaye and Brian Wilson had a child together, he would probably look the way we sound. He might also be a better musician than us.

If the music of NATAS LOVES YOU would be place or a certain landscape how would it look like?
Picture a bouncy castle occupied by barely-clad girls & boys, painted by an army of psychedelic chanting monks, with Persian rugs hanging off the sides, on the side of a lake and surrounded by snowy mountains, while a barbecue party is going on right next to it.

Would you rather be a dragon or have a dragon?
We would have to have a dragon, who’d simultaneously act as our protector and mode of transportation. We would call it Desmond. Also, who has never dreamed of playing a guitar solo while flying on a dragon?!

If you could have an alternative job – what would it be?
Travel-guide writer, ethnomusicologist, botanist, street preacher, wedding photographer, hype-man for the WU TANG CLAN… The list goes on.

Tell us something about Luxembourg we didn’t know so far?
There’s a remarkably dense music scene for such a tiny country. There’s also a tradition, originating in pagan times, called ‘Buergbrënnen’ where every village sets a giant wooden cross on fire. It’s pretty sweet.

If you as a group could have an alternative job – what would it be?
We would either open a smoothie bar on a busy street, or go into exile and become goat-herders in some remote mountains. Still haven’t been able to fully agree on this one.

What role play ‘hope’ and ‘passion’ in your life?
It’s a little bit like salt & pepper: you can survive without it, but then it makes everything a whole lot less tasty.


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