Online Exhibition #1: Efi Gousi

The A-list lady is dragging us into her wonderland and we cannot say no. Have a look for yourselves.


Efi Gousi 1

The multi-talented lady Efi Gousi will have you all blown away. She is an actress, director and photographer. She is an ace in the sleeve. All these abilities wrap at just one body like the perfect swiss knife. Efi is a tough woman and she is doing more than great. In fact she is doing excellent – in all fields.

Today NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION has zoomed its lense on her photography. There is no chance that you will look at her photos and you ain’t take it personally. Through surrealism she manages to connect with everyday’s puzzles and speculations and get you to think. Her photos are clean at a first sight and very pleasing to look at them. They also hide dark secrets, vices and pain. Miss Gousi spotlights the beauty of all these in a master way. But that’s how Efi is – if she finds beauty in a nickel, she will make it look like a masterpiece – and you’ll believe that it’s a masterpiece.

I asked her to share with us the favorite photos of her along with the perfect soundtrack to this first online exhibition. She picked the poetry of Jacques Prévert put into music by Sofia Koubli. Le Miroir Brisé is all about these things that Efi Gousi is trying to captivate through her pictures. This broken innocence, exactly where adulthood meets with our own childhood. How much have we changed since we were children? Would our child-selves be happy with whom we’ve become?

So, let’s listen to this beautiful and eerie piece and have a look at Efi Gousi’s photography – try to enter her world.

All photos by EFI GOUSI. Find her on tumblr and on facebook.

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