At this year’s famous MELT! Festival, NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION met the three hyped boys POOL from Hamburg for a quick but essential ‘Either/Or’-Q&A about all kinds of different things. So, it was decision-time for the up and coming group that released its debut album Snacks & Supplies earlier this year, delivering that amount of pop/rock indie anthems you just can’t help falling for. But do they also work as a unit when it comes to our questions? We gave POOL the options, sometimes quite easy, but sometimes also quite tough. Nevertheless, they’ve shared one opinion most of the time – a fact which shows that they work perfectly as a band.
Pop or rock?
All of them: Pop.
Indie or alternative?
All of them : Indie.
Madonna or Kylie?
David: Kylie.
Nils: Kylie.
Daniel: Madonna. Shit, I think we’ve got a problem.
David: Yeah Madonna…
Daniel: Just take her flows and actually everything. Madonna.
Studio or stage?
All of them: Stage.
Festival or concert?
Nils: Concert.
David: Open-Air concert.
Daniel: Yeah, open-air concert.
Hotel or camping?
All of them: Hotel.
Beer or wine?
All of them: Beer.
Old or new?
David: At the moment I’m on a ‘new flash’.
Nils: Yeah, let’s take new.
Cat or dog?
All of them: Cat.
Sweet or salty?
All of them: Salty.
Sea or mountains?
Nils: Sea.
David: Mountain lake.
Daniel: But sea is better.
David: We choose sea.
Winter or summer?
All of them: Summer.
Fun or seriousness?
All of them: Fun.
Hamburg or Berlin?
All of them: Hamburg.
Shared-flat or own flat?
Nils: We’re living in a shared one, so we take that.
Chocolate or gummy bears?
All of them: Chocolate.
Tea or coffee?
All of them: Coffee.
Evolution or creation?
All of them: Evolution.
Dolphin or shark?
All of them: Shark.
Club Mate or Fritz Cola?
All of them: Mate.
Paddling pool or swimming pool?
All of them: Pool.
Twirking or stamping?
All of them: Twirking.
Dating-app or traditional meeting?
All of them: Traditional.
Hope or passion?
All of them: Passion.