Premiere: Attic Giant unfolds delicate slowcore folk with debut single ‘Blow’

The Austrian newcomer is aiming directly for your hearts.


World, it’s time for you to meet Mr. Daniel Tischler. Or better said: Meet ATTIC GIANT his musical alter ego which could see a bright future, judging from his first material. Blow is his debut single which we are happy to premiere today on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. Produced by fellow Austrian colleague INNER TONGUE the floating piece marks a first teaser from his upcoming debut EP Flush. It’s a delicate and honest piece of lo-fi singer/songwriter pop that isn’t even trying to hide its cinematic ambitions, making it even more impressive for a few first impact. Tischler about the nature of the song:

‘Blow kept me busy for a long time – it’s one of these songs that I just couldn’t finish. It’s interesting how this one turned out, as it appears to be the most ‘conventional’ Attic Giant-song. With minor changes in its arrangement and lyrics that appear like a conversation between two individuals suddenly everything made sense. But still, it’s kind of ironic that eventually I chose Blow to be my first single release.’

Flush arrives on May 26 and the following song will hopefully get you as excited as us.


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