Sarah P. shares arty video for ‘Who Am I’, the title-track of her debut album

Calling for a bit introspection in those troubled times.



Beloved Dreampop chanteuse SARAH P. reports back with her first full-length studio album. Who Am I arrives on May 12 via her own inprint EraseRestart, following the 2015 EP Free. The former KEEP SHELLY IN ATHENS singer produced the LP together with George Prinotakis at Artracks Studios in Athens and according to the press release we can expect an ambitious pop album, packed with dreamy melodies that is inspired by her new home in Berlin, her Greek roots as well as personal struggles. Still, the press release also promises humor and positive vibes after all. Despite all, Who Am I is also a record about hope as SARAH P. states:

‘There’s no right and there’s no wrong, but there’s hope. And while we’re feeling defeated, even during those dark hours, there’s hope we can do better. And we will.’

The artwork, shot by Christoph Neumann, can be seen above, the tracklist follows right here. First music off the new album arrived in the form of the almost 5-minute long closing track Berlin During Winter which, according to the press release, is ‘painting the picture of the winter inside one’s self’ and can be streamed below together with its music video.

A second song, the album’s title title-track, is presented in the form of an arty video clip, short with the helpf of Italian director Oirot Buntot at the Teatro Rossi Aperto in Pisa. Watch the Who Am I video below.

‘Who Am I’ – Tracklist:

1. A Letter From Urban Street
2. ForgetRegret
3. Away From Me
4. Instead Of You
5. LoveStory
6. Summer Prince
7. Who Am I
8. Millennial Girl
9. To You
10. Berlin During Winter

‘Who Am I ‘

‘Berlin During Winter’


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