Last year Danish shoegaze band SCARLET CHIVESand their sophomore album This Is Protectionreally caught our attention at NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. Today we bring you the latest music video of it. Others Are The Force is the new clip from the album and it arrives right in time for the band’s upcoming little tour through Germany. Find the dates below. While the song itself is a multi-layered piece of shoegazing sweetness, the clip itself takes things a bit simpler.
The video was filmed and directed by Peter Esben and singer Maria Holm-Mortensen who is also starring in the music video. A simple one-shot-performance video who works quite well thanks to its lightning and the charismatic singer. Watch the premiere of the new SCARLET CHIVESvideo right here.
May 14 – Nürnberg, Musikzentrale
May 15th – Münster, JuWi Fest
May 16th – Hamburg, Knust