SiSSi – Fool For Love (NBHAP Video Premiere)


SiSSi - Photo 2013

NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION is proud to present the latest video premiere from SISSI, former front-lady for British experimental pop band LADYFUZZ . Fool for Love has her epic, diva-style voice over symphonic strings and synths, telling you she’d rather “burn than fade away.”  The video opens with a black heart set against two white wings, and the demand to “please tell me something…something of worth.” The single comes out April 5 but you can enjoy the clip already today.

There’s two amazing costumes here: in one she’s done up all in white holding a bouquet of flowers, a punk-rock bride outfit, with long gold nails and glittery eye make up, and the next she’s all in black with extra-long gold claws. There’s a shot of a white swan flying in case you miss the obvious black/white imagery. Like she sings, it doesn’t need word.


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