tUnE-yArDs announce new album ‘Nikki Nack’


tune-yardsTUNE-YARDS announced a new album, coming out on May 5 in the UK and May 6 in the U.S. via 4AD. Nikki Nack will be the third longplayer of the project that was founded in 2006 by Merrill Garbus.

The artist uses many acoustic devices and means, such as samples, beats, sounds and various instruments and her voice to create her sound collages. Since she studied in Kenya for a while, the music has african influences as well.

TUNE-YARDS debuted in 2009 with bIrD bRaIns and found a fan in YOKO ONO who temporarily made her part of the PLASTIC ONO BAND. Below you find the Nikki Nack MegaMix, a crazy mix of the tracks from the upcoming album.


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