A vaginal MP3 player to entertain babies in the womb is actually existing

Stimulate the brains of your fetal baby right now, ladies.



It’s a scientific fact that early musical education is helpful for every baby, even for the unborn ones. But here comes an idea that takes that lovely concept even further. You can now play music directly to your baby. In the Womb. Via your vagina. No kidding. It’s called Babypod and it’s a headphone attachment for your smart phone or any other musical device that allows you to do that in the most direct way yet. A Spanish company created that device and is now aiming to break the market big times with the Babypod. The whole idea is scientifically proved by the company as Metro also points and has been also tested on hundreds of women back in Barcelona in 2014 with positive results.

Well, music really helps to stimulate the brains of fetal babies, that much is for sure. If you need something like the Babypod for this is another question. You can order your personal one right here for about $132 and watch a demonstration video below.

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