Sound of the Night: We Were Promised Jetpacks – ‘I Keep It Composed’

Slightly insensitive or thought-provoking?


We Were Promised Jetpacks - I Keep It Composed

We are not quite sure if it was a good move by WE WERE PROMISED JETPACKS to realease that video on September 11th. But maybe if belongs to the Scottish band’s strategy to release the video to their single I Keep It Composed exactly 13 years after 9/11. Our colleagues from Under The Radar call it ‘slightly insensitive’, but maybe WE WERE PROMISED JETPACKS want to raise awareness (in a truly strange way) and be thought-provoking. One thing is for sure: they thought about it. In that sense: watch I Keep It Composed to get your own impression.

WE WERE PROMISED JETPACKS‘s new album Unravelling will be released on October 14th via FatCat.


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