Big Noble – ‘First Light’

Big Noble - First Light

Daniel Kessler doesn’t step out of the shadow of INTERPOL… he follows it even deeper into the darkness.


[one_half last=”no”]
Ghost Beach - Blonde Cover

[one_half last=”yes”]BIG NOBLE
First Light

Release-Date: 03.02.2014
Label: Affiliates Sound

01. Ocean Picture
02. Stay Gold
03. Autumn
04. Atlantic Din
05. Affiliates
06. Pedal
07. Weatherman Accountable
08. Peg
09. Traveler
10. Vikings

NBHAP Rating: 3,7/5


Adventures in Ambient

From time to time the ‘I’m going solo’ virus gets every member of the band. And since Paul Banks already released two solo albums and Sam Fogarino followed his own musical path with EMPTY MANISIONS guitar virtuoso Daniel Kessler was the only remaining INTERPOL member that didn’t got infected. BIG NOBLE changes that situation and adds an interesting musical note to the biography of the charismatic artist. Together with sound designer Joseph Fraioli Mr. Kessler successfully manages to detach himself from the spirit of his main band.

One big puzzle

BIG NOBLE‘s debut First Light delivers pure and pristine dark ambient magic. Recorded mostly throughout 2013 in Kessler’s private bedroom it works as a whole and through the combination of its singular pieces. Only 40 minutes long but like a well arranged flow of sound. Ocean Picture starts the record with sinister and baleful sounds, Kesslers distinctive INTERPOL guitar sound is transformed into an alienated element in this unstoppable sea of sounds. It’s impossible and not necessary to separate the tracks on First Light. It’s one of the record’s biggest strength.

Familiar strangeness

The foundation for the mostly instrumental record remains the same throughout its whole duration. Fraioli unfolds ghostly landscapes of sounds and electronic bits and pieces while Kessler’s guitar shows up from time, loaded up with effects as if it doesn’t want to be found. But of course, you can sense it, f.e. right in the beginning of Weatherman Accountable. That’s Kessler, of course. But he’s too far gone, his vision gets blurry. Like drops in an eternal sea of sounds. BIG NOBLE might not revolutionize the genre of ambient music but its a lovely journey for those who love to listen to music and like to discover tiny things in it. Next stop: proper movie score, please

Solid ambient sound for all eclectic minds – BIG NOBLE unfold a coherent sound design on their debut record with ‘First Light’


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