NBHAP Rating: 3,1/5
[one_half last=”yes”]POPE FRANCIS
Wake Up!
Release-Date: 27.11.2015
Label: San Paolo Multimedia / Believe Digital
01. Annuntio Vobis Gadium Mangum
02. Salve Regina
03. Laudato Sie…
04. Poe Que’ Sufren Los Ninos
05. Non Lasciatevi Rubare La Speranza!
06. La Iglesia No Puede Ser Una Ong!
07. Wake Up! Go! Go! Forward!
08. La Fa Es Entera, No Se Licua!
09. Pace! Fratelli!
10. Per La Famiglia
11. Fazei O Que Ele Vos Disser
Like A Prayer
With rappers considering themselves as god (or at least Yeezus), a self-titled queen spreading her legs infront of burning crucifixes or excentric singers falling in love with Judas, pop culture offers plenty of figures playing with the Christian symbolism and values. The whole scenario is more an act of provocation and image building than blasphemy, but what if a real representative of faith and iconic figure for millions of people decides to release an album? The answer is called Wake Up! – the first record by FRANCIS (we take this as his stage name, btw). It starts with the mystical Annuntio Vobis Gadium Mangum, gregorian choirs are leading to the pope’s first verse, probably a snippet of one of his speeches he gave last year in Korea. There he demanded the land’s youth to embrace, to wake up. The LP’s title is inspired by the time in the east of Asia. The applause of the crowd is added to his statements (yeah man, we all know by now that your position gives you a special place in pop-stardom). Basically this is the concept of the work: several parts of discourses are accompanied by music and chanted prayers.
Sounds from heaven
The tracks feature different solo artists who contribute as the main singers, like GIORGIO KRIEGSCH, italian vocalist ALESSIA BUSETTO, or differnet choirs. So how does a Pope’s album sound? Well, it is not that much of a musically surprise, nor a disappointment (in case you have high expectations for FRANCIS to be the next big thing in the pop olymp). There are light string melodies, piano and organ parts, like some modern deluxe versions of Christian hymns, upgraded with some drums and guitar riffs. The first official single, Wake Up! Go! Go! Forward!, starts up with a dramatic rock instrumental and trumpets part – surely the man loves a good entrance.
For Christian’s sake
How is the reaction of young journalists/bloggers when they hear the pope is going wild by putting out an album? First things first: there is some wondering going on in their minds. As always, we all have to look outside the box. Wake Up! is a celebration of life in the light of traditional vows. POPE FRANCIS‘ messages are Christian charity, peace and a happy coexistence. This time in form of melodic songs, brilliant voices and an all-in-all positive atmosphere. Those who follow him will appreciate the modern ways he takes to spread his words.
Time for a conclusion, folks: Wake Up! is a concept album with positive messages – prayers underlined with contemporary music. Lovely produced, with spiritual vibes. For the few of you who are not afraid to take a sip: taste it. It is like holy water.