Seven Songs With… Sea Change

Sea Change - Seven Songs -  Photo by Marita Nielsen

Photo by Marita Nielsen

Recently NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION premiered Let’s Dance, the latest music video by Norwegian dreampop project SEA CHANGE. And today the alter ego of singer Ellen A. W. Sunde makes another visit to our site in form of her own ‘Seven Songs’ selection. Well, and since the already known material from Sunde was already quite dreamy and psychedelic we expect her selection to be the same. But she might take another turn just in time for the first snowflakes of the winter here in Berlin.

SEA CHANGE on her selection: “I rarely listen to songs on their own, mostly whole albums, but I’ve chosen some nice wintery favorites to help get through the dark months. Some really nice slow stuff, evolving to some melancholic dance beats. In Norway its freaking cold, and I know it is in Berlin is as well. Enjoy!”


01. EMMYLOU HARRIS – “Where will I be”

Few people know that I have a weakness for good country music. In this song everything is right.



An electronic collaboration between two great Norwegian jazz musicians. I bought this album when I was 18 and hungry for new stuff. Sidsel Endresen was the start of a big interest in new experimental and improvisational music. And all her lyrics are amazing! I’ve stolen so many quotes from SIDSEL!


03. ARTHUR RUSSEL – “Get around to it”

It appears as just a quirky and happy discosong, but looking closer it’s sore and painful. Arthur Russel was a troubled soul and he hid it in drum machines and echoes. The wierd edge of disco, is the best way of disco.


04. ALOG – “Steady jogging of the heart”

Hypnotic and beautiful. Norwegian experimental elektro. The day after I graduated I was so glad I finally hade time to listen to lots of new music after all the exams.

In the library they had a shelf only for experimental music. I lent this album Minitaures by ALOG along with like 30 other CD-s!  It was an amazing feeling to lie on the floor  and listen to this extremely loud.


05. THE WEEKND – “House Of Balloons”/ “Glass Table Girls”

Yep, I love THE WEEKND, can’t help it. Such a great and sexy song. From the album Trilogy. mmm


06. KATE BUSH – “Running up that Hill”

I love synth pop from the 80s! This is the ultimate pop song. No more words necessary.


07. WATER BORDERS – “What Wiwant”

Dark and dancy, weird and awesome! WATER BORDERS.. I just cant get my head around them. I would love to see them live. Dark and shamanistic dance music. I imagine them sitting in the woods chanting spells with FEVER RAY.

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