Sometimes a good name does matter. And same goes also for a good title. It seemsd almost too fitting that NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION asked a band like THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART about their favourite ridiculous and epic song titles. Band mastermind Kip Berman sat down and delivered quite an interesting list of seven songs for us. With song titles that partly mage you giggle or just respectfully nod your head as a sign of approval.
Not an entirely new field for the shoegaze rockers. THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART always enjoyed the big gestures and their latest album Days Of Abandon is full of fantastic anthems of euphoria and big feelings. Berman and his band at the top of their game.
You want to know what song titles Berman finds extremly funny? Find his seven choices on the following pages.
01. JOHNNY BOY – ‘You Are The Generation That Bought More Shoes And You Get What You Deserve’
I think this is self explanatory.
02. FELT – ‘All the People I Like Are Those That Are Dead’
I’m sure this will be engraved on Lawrence’s tombstone someday, though I hope not to soon.
03. THE BYRDS – “Mrs. Tambourine Man’
Stand by your Tambourine Man.
04. AIRPORT GIRL – ‘The Foolishness That We Create Through Love is The Closest We Come to Greatness.’
Why even bother to write a song after that title?
05. ROCKETSHIP – ‘I Love You the Way I Used To Do’
Don’t let grammar get in the way of true luv.
06. JOAN OF ARC – ‘Post Coitus Rock’
Though I’d imagine much of the emo/post-rock bands could be classified as “pre-coitus” rock. It gets better…
07. THE SUNDAYS – ‘I Kicked a Boy’
THE SUNDAYS are more punk than your loud scream boys will ever be. Dismiss them as a Gap playlist staple at your peril.