Follow the ghostly adventures of Sea + Air on their latest UK Tour

The beloved duo let us peak into their glamorous tour life


Sea + Air - 2016 - Tour

It’s been a while since we last turned our thoughts towards beloved German ghost pop duo SEA + AIR. But we never ever forgot about them! Currently, Daniel Benjamin and Eleni Zafiriadou are on one of their extensive touring adventures supporting their acclaimed album Evropi from last year. In order for you, dear reader, to become part of SEA + AIR‘s adventurous journeys, the two agreed to keep a little tour diary. So come on in and enter the world of SEA + AIR‘s entertaining life on Europe’s streets and stages!


– Lady Evropi –

First show of the tour, never heard of the place before. Freakin’ awesome! We came as refugees with no money. If people keep buying our albums like in B.S.E. (BSE is the German word for mad cow disease – cling cling cling) we can make it back home. And yeah, we’re willing to take abnormal requests seriously. Like marking the tracks on our albums that are a bit too sad for bipolar people who are suicidal. Should we make a special edition? The Day 1 track Lady Evropi is a good example for how bipolar our music gets. Enjoy!


– Peace Begins At Home –

First time ever in Manchester. Seemed like a good night for the Mancunian people since only two of them passed out from drinking too much alcohol during the show. No need to say that the audience was a blast! Plus we got to understand how funny the English language is: most restaurants have a baby change room. If you don’t like your baby anymore, bring it to the UK!


– Follow Me Me Me –

First show not supporting Duke Special. Great little festival called Oxjam. As you can see on the pic, backstage was the pavement, catering whatever you could find in the trash (half pizza slices, Pepsi cups that someone else already drank from). Merchandise was sold from the front window of the van. But the audience was wild and lovely. And we proved that we can be good without being the support of the guy with the nicest audience ever.

Day 4: YORK

– Take Me For A Ride –

Beautiful Old York City. Very unenergetic first row. They reminded us of Beavis and Butthead. But they were hardcore Duke Special fans who are gonna travel with us. So we will see all of them again. In the first row, a little less unenergetic hopefully. For everyone who still doesn’t believe how beautiful York is: Here’s a photo of the White Tower in Thessaloniki right by the Aegaen Sea. Now shut up!

Day 5: DERBY – Flowerpot

– Hahahahaha –

10 years ago we did a nice tour in the UK with our punkrock band Jumbo Jet. Derby was the favourite city on that trip. As you might know the UK is not a country that gives food and a place to stay to its guests. Derby offered both. So our expectations were high. And again: very nice people, very cool venue. Most bands who play here are cover rock bands. So we decided (very spontaneouzzely) to cover our own stuff to fit in the big picture. The stage was phenomenally abnormally smally. We had to put up our 205 instruments in 2 squaremetres. But since everyone knows Derby looks as fucked up as nice, we matched pretty well.

Day 6: BRISTOL – Louisiana

– Should I Care?-

In many ways the hometown of Evropi. Most of the album was mixed here by Tim Bruzon. That way Bristol easily became our favourite town of England. If we should move to the Kingdom, we better let it be Bristol. The Louisiana is a pretty legendary venue. Cöldplay, White Ztripes and Army Winehouse! Everyone has played here. All those posters of famous bands easily lead you to think every band that played here became huge later. Glad to break that myth! Cause we’ re never gonna be huge. (Only big). Tour tiredness kicks in. Tzzzzzzz.

Day 7: WARWICK – Copper Rooms

– We Understand You –

“Kids, bad news! SEA + AIR are not gonna play in Birmingham on this tour.”
“But they play in Warwick tonight!”
“OK, let’ s go!”

We stayed in Birmingham for 4 nights without playing there. Closest town to B. was Warwick. Warwick doesn’t only produce the ugliest bass guitars they also gave us the best show of the tour so far. Nicest crew ever and we found out that British interviewers are even better prepared than German ones. How can that be?

Day 8: GUILDFORD – Boileroom

– Pain Is Just A Cloud –

Very small stage again. But they had a washing machine at underwear day 0. At least one thing to mention in the tour diorrhea. The photo above shows the Swiss Alps on the way to Italy. Who would seriously want to see a picture of Guildford?

Day 9: STROUD – Convent

– Flowers From The Distance –

Seriously the best venue we’ve ever played. Plus it was told to be haunted. Maybe not or maybe the ghosts were afraid of us cause we’ re trying to sell out ghostlyness. Make a big career with Ghost Pop. Fucking capitalists!

Day 10: PORTSMOUTH – Wedgewood Rooms

– We All Have To Leave Someday –

Playing a forlorn city by the sea kind of made us hear the calls from across the water. Our time had come to leave the island. Just to come back, bigger, better, sooner, of courserer. Thanks for a great trip, what a good start to win over the island this time. WW3 is a cultural one and we will win!


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