Listen AHEAD Playlist Update: Joesef

His summerly track “The Sun Is Up Forever” is a fitting musical companion for the current spring season. Check it out in our playlist along with new music by Boniface, Nelson Kempf, Rozelle, KOKO and more talented newcomers.


The young musician from Glasgow has been caused ripples with his 2019 debut singles and the EP Play Me Something Nice. Written as a way to work through an intense heartbreak, it seems like the relatable lyrics and soulful vocals conjured themselves out of thin air. Joesef found into music more by coincidence than anything else, yet his mature vocal style and particular sensibility for soul-tinged indie pop make it sound like he had been perfecting his style for more than a decade. Drunkenness at an open mic night is not the usual way you’d think you encounter a talent on the rise – but voilà.

The Sun Is Up Forever is the latest release by the self-produced artist. Recorded and written entirely by himself, the single is dedicated to his mother. His dreamy vocals and the jangly guitar riffs project a dreamy landscape – a brighter side of life. Mirroring the style soul of greats like Amy Winehouse, he walks in between worlds and proves to be deserving of the sold out shows he played last year across the UK and Europe. Retro-soul meets smooth indie-pop on Joesef’s latest release.

I wrote this song about a month ago after talking to my mum about how relationships affect you in every corner of your life, right down to the way you carry yourself. My dad was a bit of a bastard to her and us, and she said it’s something that never really leaves her, but after 20 years she’s learned to let go of the grief a little. It’s from her perspective, and mine. It’s about leaving a dark part of your life behind you. This tune is for her.

Every Monday we’re updating the 50-track-strong Listen AHEAD Playlist on Spotify, adding ten strong songs by sill relatively unknown artists at the beginning. This week’s new picks also include fresh songs from Boniface, Nelson Kempf, Rozelle, KOKO and Copenhagen’s TOM And His Computer who just also released a really great music video you should not miss. Follow the playlist right here on Spotify and give these new talents a chance.

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