Sound of the Night: Breton – ”Envy (Orchestral Remix)”


Breton - EnvyBringing a classical music approach into contemporary pop music is always a challenge. Quite often it sounds too affected and to shallow. But in a few cases it managed to fit perfectly. Tonight British electronica band BRETON show us one of the better examples with the orchestral rework of their latest single Envy. Almost eight minutes of symphonic bliss. Starting slow but soon evolving into something quite impress.

If you need a good example why BRETON is more than just another indie band – this is basically it. Recently we already enjoyed their musical taste in form of a joyful guestmix for NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. The new album War Room Stories arrives on February the 3rd, featuring the original version of Envy. But with an alternative cut like this we can still wait a bit longer tonight.


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