Sound of the Day: Christine and The Queens – ‘Saint Claude’

Ahead of her intimate Berlin show next week it’s about time to get to know France’s latest pop sensation a bit better.


Christine And The Queen

Sometimes even us from NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION tend to forget how rich and diversified Europe’s musical landscape is. Especially France is slowly but steady becoming  reliable source for new talents with an international approach. Just take Héloïse Letissier and her alter ego CHRISTINE AND THE QUEENS. Her debut LP Chaleur Humaine already scored double platin in her home country and you probably weren’t aware of her existence as well, right? Now the longplayer with its distinctive mixture of traditional French chansons and contemporary electronic R&B is ready to conquer the rest of the world. Sensual, stylish and the strong French accent is actually a plus here. That’s how pop music should be done to catch our attention.

One special chance to catch the talented young lady outside the big areans of her home country arrives next Tuesday, on February the 10th as CHRISTINE AND THE QUEENS will perform a special show at the Admiralspalast studio in Berlin. If you happen to be in town – don’t you dare missing it. Grab your ticket right here and enjoy the catchy Saint Claude as well.


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