Elite Gymnastics covers Taylor Swift as birthday present for Grimes


Elite GymasticsYes, this is definitely the headline of the day. While others tend to give flowers and gift cards, ELITE GYMNASTICS mastermind James Brooks has a very special birthday present for his good friend Claire Boucher aka GRIMES (who turned 25 yesterday). It’s a song – and not just a simple one. The lo-fi electronic producer covered country-pop singer TAYLOR SWIFT – with whom Boucher is quite obessesed – as a gift. The result is a reworked version of SWIFT’s Ours which also include lyrical fragments of – well – JUSTIN BIEBER. It’s named 私たちのもの ( O U R S ) and you can download it for free right here (via Pitchfork) and stream it right over at Brooks’ tumblr page. Happy birthday from NBHAP as well.


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