Will and Matt Ritson are London-based duo FORMATION and since they recently already supported FOALS and got a catchy new single we thought it might be time for NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION to feature them as well. All The Rest Is Noise is the latest single of the band that was founded back in 2013 and it’s taken off their upcoming EP Under The Tracks, out on November 20.
Why Should I Watch This?
First of it: the song is really catchy. A piano-driven little pop gem with a funky undertone and an irresistible chorus. It’s a sweet pop hook with an uplifting message: don’t let yourself down, ignore the negative voices out there and celebrate. The video does the same as it features FORMATION in full performance mode while the audience goes wild, except for a young lady that clearly understands the progress of All The Rest Is Noise. It’s almost a romantic, right?
Anything Else?
All The Rest Is Noise was produced by Brighton’s house producer Leon Vynehall who gave the FORMATION tune something special that sounds a bit like finest Manchester Rave days. Matt Ritson on the collaboration: ‘Working with Leon Vynehall has added another layer of inspiration to what we’re doing, bouncing ideas off each other and working in a free and improvised way, laying down what feels good and always surprising each other.’ That’s definitely a band to watch out for.