Sound of the Night: Grouper – ‘Call Across Rooms’

Three minutes of perfectly arranged sadness.


Grouper - Ruins

What do you usually do when you know that there’s new music by Liz Harris and her alter ego GROUPER out? Yes, you instantly shut your blinds, darken down the room, grab your headphones, silence everything, hit the ‘play’ button and let yourself fall right into the heart of darkness. Today, Harris finally revealed Call Across Rooms, the first track off her forthcoming new longplayer Ruins. As reported before the longplayer follows last year’s he Man Who Died In The Boat and is set for a release on October 31 via Kranky.

As the Portland-based songwriter previously also stated the tracks were mostly written back in 2011 with one exception from 2004. The year actually doesn’t matter since the sadcore anthems of GROUPER remain timeless. They don’t need a specific context, just your attention. And although Call Across Rooms is only three minutes long it’s a pleasant little journey. May it guide you through the night right here.


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