Photo by Marion Benoit
For a couple of years now the South American continent has become a quite vital place for eclectic electronic dance music. Talented producers found their very own style and interpretation of house, techno and dance music with Brazilian producer GUI BORATTO being one of the leaders of this new and exciting generation. For almost one decade the charismatic artist has been a constant in the roster of acclaimed Cologne-based techno-label Kompakt Records. The forthcoming new longplayer Abaporu (Out on Sep 29) already marks the fourth full-length release of BORATTO. Once again it’s a perfect example of how to deliver an electronic album that will also work outside the usual club context. Rich sounds, gentle melodies and a certain warm and cozy atmosphere have always been as important to the musical microcosm of the producer as grooving beats and straight dance rhythms.
In the wake of the upcoming release of Abaporu NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION is interested in representing the rich spectrum of GUI BORATTO‘s musical taste. That’s why we confronted him with various video clips, to find out more about his love for PET SHOP BOYS, ROBAG WRUHME and the country he’s living in.
Gui Boratto – ‘Joker’
It’s taken off your new album. What can we expect from it?
As ‘Abaporu’ is not really a techno album, you can expect a bit of this, a bit of that. There’s some house, funky, mellow ambient songs and different other moods.
Terranova – ‘Question Mark’
These guys are part of the Kompakt family as well. Any thoughts on them?
I don’t know them very much, but Im a huge fan of their work. I love the remix from them on ‘Destination: Education.’
Pet Shop Boys – ‘Domino Dancing’
You once remixed a track by these gentlemen and I heard that Neil Tennant is a fan of your work as well.
PET SHOP BOYS were an important band that influenced me a lot! I have many favorites: ‘It’s Alright,’ ‘Rent’, and the super beautiful and timeless ‘Being Boring.’
Ricardo Villalobos – ‘Druic’
Another important South American producer. Any other ones you can recommend?
Yes, the South Amercian have a deep conection with electronic music. Me, Luciano, Matias and Ricardo, Alejandro Vivanco, Click Box and lots of newcomers like HNQO, Gabe, Shadow Movement, Elekfantz, etc. …
O Rappa – ‘Vem Pra Rua’
This was originally planned as a commercial song but it sort of became an anthem for the uprising of the Brazilian people against the World Cup and corruption. How did you experience the event and the mood in your country at the moment?
It was great to lose against Germany with such a result 7×1. Now I think our president won’t be reelected. It’s strange how this events can influence on politics. Dilma is really destroying our country. Now it’s the time to think about the big issues, stop corruption and develop our country in all senses.
Steve Winwood – ‘Higher Love’
You once stated the 80s influenced you. This tune as well?
Of course. But I would say that post-punk bands like this got a deeper impact on me!
Bondo de Role – ‘Office Boy’
How much of an influence is the Brazilian music for you?
Not this one. Tom Jobim influence me a lot. Try this one.
Robag Wruhme – ‘Robellada’
Gabor once released a lovely remix of ‘No Turning Back’ on his ‘Olgamikks’ compilation. Do you have a favourite remix of all time?
I love Gabor and pretty much everything he does. One of my favourite remixes of all time is a TIEFSCHWARZ remix for PHONIQUES’s ‘Red Dress’. Amazing remix!!!!