Video Of The Day: Metric celebrate imagery overload with ‘The Shade’

‘Look at the world around you. Don’t shy away from what you see, even if it’s ugly.’


Metric - The Shade - Video


Emily Haines and her boys are about to return. The new METRIC album Pagans In Vegas arrives on September 18 and judging from its first singles like Cascades and Too Bad, So Sad we can expect a lot of catchy pop tunes from the band once again. Far more than on 2012’s Synthetica, it seems. Now, lead single The Shade gets an over-the-top music video we think you should not miss.

Why Should I Watch This?

Because what might seem like a random collection of images that gets mixed with the band performing the track on the streets of Los Angeles actually makes sense in a bigger context. ‘We live in a world inundated with imagery,’ explains Mrs Haines the video to Rolling Stone Magazine. She continues: ‘Pictures, videos and graphics permeate our consciousness all hours of the day. That’s what we wanted to capture in ‘The Shade’: humanity and nature caught in patterns and loops of beauty, destruction and decay.’ And the METRIC leading lady clearly got a point right here. We consume all these images every day, the good ones and the bad ones, even if we sometimes hide ourselves from the second group, right?

Anything Else

Consider The Shape as a wake up call to be more aware of the things that are happening in this world. ‘When I say, ‘I want it all,’ this is what I’m talking about,’ explains Haines in the same course. ‘Look at the world around you. Don’t shy away from what you see, even if it’s ugly. Own up to yourself and be prepared to be thrown your share of shade.’ We couldn’t agree more with here.


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