Sound Of The Day: MNYNMS – ‘Not In Love’ (Crystal Castles Cover)

US duo produce a dreamy, spaced-out cover of a CRYSTAL CASTLES classic.



I occasionally go through periods where I’ll listen to CRYSTAL CASTLES incessantly for about a week, and one of the tracks that causes me to abuse the repeat button most is Not In Love, especially the version with THE CURE’s Robert Smith on vocals. It’s an absolute pile-driver of a song, the kind of thumping music that tears your ears to shreds (in absolutely the best way). With Alice Glass and Ethan Kath’s feuding meaning the end of CRYSTAL CASTLES as we knew them, it might be time for other artists to try and fill some of the void they leave. And what better way to do that than with a cover? Which brings us to US duo and vowel-dislikers MNYNMS’ reworking.

MNYNMS completely re-engineer the track. Whereas the original was uptight and frantic, the cover has more space to more. The band takes the song in an airier, slower direction, moving it into the kind of musical territory occupied by Johnny Jewel and his CHROMATICS, re-imagining it as spaced-out atmospheric synth pop. The MNYNMS cover of Not In Love is available as a free download from their Soundcloud page.


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