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the cure

19 Anticipated Albums To Look Forward To In 2019

New favourites and beloved comebacks - The next twelve months will deliver plenty of musical highlights and we tell you right here what you should be excited about the most. And yes, that also includes a few delayed albums that were already part of our '2018 list' ...
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Gentrification Blues: Death Cab For Cutie’s Ben Gibbard On Seattle’s Misery

There are surely a lot of things we can be thankful for in life. Gentrification isn't one of them though as Death Cab For Cutie rightfully point out on their latest album 'Thank You For Today' that deals with the challenges many places are facing today including its effect on people. Opening up a new chapter with their ninth album after longterm member Chris Walla's departure, the Seattle based band returns dealing with serious issues, but in high spirits.
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