By now you should know Swedish/Australian pop sisters SAY LOU LOU, right? NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION has been following their career for the past two years and we’re happy that their highly recommendable debut longplayer, Lucid Dreaming, is finally out. And we recently also had a little chat with the ladies about their recent experiences in the industry. If you love good and partly epic pop music we can highly recommend that record.
Why Should I Watch This?
As the music of SAY LOU LOU is already dominated by a certain epic appeal and a love for big gestures their new music video Nothing But A Heartbeat also avoids ordinary music video rules and unfolds itself as an epic little short movie. Director Joanna Nordahl explains her concept of the clip: ‘I sought inspiration in documentaries on lucid dreamers, listened to Hans Zimmer for days, read excerpts from On Being Ill by Virginia Woolf and kept a dream diary of my own while writing the narrative. I wanted the story to draw parallels to big religious ideas while exploring some personal thoughts on mental sanity. I’m a huge fan of Von Trier’s film Melancholia… So, in retrospect, I believe that probably served as an influence as well.’ Expect the SAY LOU LOU sisters on an epic hunt for themselves (or are they trying to escape from each other?) in different settings with quite a surrealistic touch. This is really epic material.
Anything else?
Feel invited to spot all the movie references in here and find your own interpretation for that cinematic bond between the two sisters. And don’t forget to check out Lucid Dreaming, of course.