In case you haven’t noticed it yet – Manchester’s THE SLOW SHOW are one of NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION‘s favourite new bands of 2015. They conquered us in a heart beat with the fantastic songs of their debut White Water and they played more than one triumphant live show this spring. You can’t really escape from the beautiful voice of lead singer Robert Goodwin and Augustine makes no exception.
Why Should I Watch This?
Because, in a sadistic way, it shows all the things you missed during the band’s spring tour. The clip takes us backstage and shows all the exciting stuff that happen on such a tour (meeting the fans, the actual performance) as well as the boring one (waiting ages during soundcheck and in-between shows). It shows THE SLOW SHOW in their natural environment and that itself is already quite entertaining. Besides that: the song is great.
Anything Else?
Don’t forget to check out our Introducing interview with Mr. Goodwin and make sure you catch the band during various summer dates like the almighty Haldern Pop Festival or during their solo show in Konstanz on Jul 23rd, of course presented by NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION.