Sound of the Day: Work Drugs – Time


Work Drugs - TimeToday’s Sound of the Day is all about time. And it comes from some old familiar faces here on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION – American indie-pop band WORK DRUGS. These guys visited us quite a lot of past. We talked with Thomas Crystal and Benjamin Louisana about their soulful retro-pop way back in 2012. And they also did a pretty guestmix for us as well. And it looks like 2014 might be a good year for WORK DRUGS as well. They’re about to attack our hearts and ears with a new longplayer.

And Time marks the first single from the album which goes by the name Insurgents and which is set for a release in March. And it’s a joyful piece of indie-pop, reminding us once more about the easy-going moments of life, summer, love and all these beautiful things. Yes, it was about time that these guys return.


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