Listen AHEAD Playlist Update: The Ghost Of Helags

The band’s haunting new single “Autobahn Lullaby” opens our weekly selection of exciting new music which also includes fresh tunes by Ilgen-Nur, Harry Heart, Great News, Talibah Safiya and others joining the playlist party.


Mysterious Swedish dream pop project The Ghost of Helags aren’t exactly new to the NBHAP microcosm as we previously already featured songs like The World Outside Your Window and I Carry Your Heart. Every new release by the band is a happy new invitation to stop the world from turning and let yourself fall into their gentle melodies. Autobahn Lullaby, their freshly released new single, is exactly such a wonderful bliss. It’s about making your dreams come true, confronting your own doubts and the path towards a different tomorrow. Yeah, it’s quite a gentle encouragement and a perfect song to start your week with, wouldn’t you agree?

The Ghost of Helags however remain as shy and mysterious as they’ve been in the first place. We still don’t know their name, what they’ve been up to and whether we’ll actually see a full album one day. In this day and age an attitude like this is highly welcome over here. It allows the music to do all the talking and lets the listener experience these songs without any prejudice which is a really nice thing to do. So, without further ado please enjoy this little Autobahn Lullaby along with all the other great new songs we picked for the Listen AHEAD Playlist this week.

Every Monday we’re updating the 50-track-strong Listen AHEAD Playlist on Spotify, adding ten strong songs by sill relatively unknown artists at the beginning. This week’s addition also sees new songs by Great News, Ilgen-Nur, Golden Dawn Akestra, Harry Heart and MIRÈLE (which we also introduced to you right here). Discover their songs right here by following the playlist on Spotify.

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