Listen AHEAD Playlist Update: Büşra Kayıkçı

The Turkish composer adds a wonderful dose of tenderness to our newcomer playlist which now also features fresh tracks from Lucky Lo, Minoa, Byelian, Hollow Coves and more.


Few have their fingers flying over the keys of the piano with such ease and expertise as the Istanbul-based composer Büşra Kayıkçı. The dedication and love the musician has to the instrument can be felt in each of the warm notes of Bring The Light, her latest release. Büşra began writing the song during the first months of the pandemic last year but had struggles finishing it. Yet, the dynamic flow of the minimal neo-classical composition does not show the initial creative struggles its creator faced.

Finally, Büşra found inspiration in the stillness the pandemic imposed and found her way past the initial anxiety and to regain creative drive to finish Bring The Light and other songs soon to be released. While the intricate arrangement of the notes on the single could be the sound of someone who has dedicated their life to one instrument, Büşra Kayıkçı is an artist as multi-disciplinary as they come. Having studied ballet and painting, the producer moved on to explore her interest in interior design through architecture studies. The impressive array of creative fields Büşra finds herself in reflects onto the rich texture of her music. Bring The Light warms from the inside and speaks to the listener and all it needs to move is ten fingers, 88 keys, and the artistry of Büşra Kayıkçı.

Büşra was also kind enough to record an exclusive reduced version of Bright The Light for us. Find it right here.

Interested in the best new music, handpicked by your favourite music blog? Awesome! Because every Monday we’re updating the 50-track-strong Listen AHEAD Playlist on Spotify, adding ten strong songs by sill relatively unknown artists at its beginning. This week’s new picks also include fresh songs from Lucky Lo, Minoa, Byelian, Hollow Coves and the magnificent Mulay who we introduced you to the other week as well. Follow the playlist right here on Spotify and give these new talents a chance.

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