1. Riders On The Storm
2. Hobo Rap
3. They Live
4. Eli
5. Superhero
6. We Are What We Eat
7. Babylon 4
8. Smell of Love
11.Sun & Rain
Bibi Tulin, Hugo Simons and Wolfgang Scherman are anything but ordinary – and if you get the chance to listen their music, you’ll definitely agree! The three friends formed (what I can only describe as) a bizarre group called MY WOSHIN MASHIN. The band came to life in 2010 when Russian-born Bibi Tulin and Simons left their previous band to experiment with new sounds. They called on their German friend Scherman and from that point, there was no turning back for the quirky trio!
Their signature sound, which is a mash-up of German dance music, English metal music and old school music, was heavily reflected in their first EP Amazing Demo followed by, We Came in Peace and LP Mawama, which was described as “amazing (9/10)” by Brutal Resonance E-Zine and “glittering kitsch” by Zillo magazine.
MY WOSHIN MASHIN are more than ready to release their debut album, Evil Must Die on 30 April. Already it has received high praise from Russian Billboard, describing the 12-track production as “better than amphetamine”. Personally I don’t think that Evil Must Die deserve such praise.
With the first three songs of the album, you’re hit with a car crash of hyped-up electronic music and serious head aching rock beats, which I doesn’t work for me (I just don’t get how anyone can embrace such mess!) However the fourth song of the album, the French-influenced Eli, was a really pleasant surprise. Eli offers almost four-minutes of sultriness where you begin to really take note and appreciate Tulin’s soft and delicate vocals. The melodic, Superhero follows and offers a rather dark, cold and perhaps a very lonely production, where you can easily detect the vulnerability in Tulin’s vocals. My view of MY WOSHIN MASHIN changed for the better after listening to the soothing Babylon 4, the classy Smell of Love and the uplifting Sun & Rain. Maybe they do deserve the high praise from critics after all.
Overall, Evil Must Die could have been a better album if the psychedelic experiments were left out. MY WOSHIN MASHIN’s talent definitely lies with creating melodic, sultry and dark productions like Eli and Superhero.