From left to right: Gundelach, Have You Ever Seen The Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS?, CTM
Spring has finally arrived so we can get rid of all the frosty Scandinavian clichés already, right? It couldn’t fit any better that the enjoyable Ja Ja Ja Club Nights return to Berlin and Hamburg next week, featuring a highly divserfied selection of musical talent from the north. Danish experimental songwriter CTM is making an appearance as well as GUNDELACH from Norway whose sinister synthpop soul we recently already introduced to you. And lust but not least we have the Finnish band with the currently craziest name around: HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE JANE FONDA AEROBIC VHS? are here to electrify you via the joyful sound of last year’s debut LP Teenage Sweetheart.
Once again, NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION teams up with the guys from FluxFM to bring you up and coming acts from the North right into the heart of Berlin and Hamburg. Find more details on the whole event right here and full ticket infos at the bottom of the article. And – as always – we’re offering you a chance to attend. We’re giving away 2×2 tickets for the events. Just send a mail to win@nbhap.com with the subject ‘Ja Ja Ja’, your full name and the city of your choice.
And in the meantime get to know those three acts a bit better due to our always entertaining Ja Ja Ja Q&A.
1. Name a stereotype about your country that is actually true, according to your experience.
CTM: What is the stereotype of a dane. I am not sure. But I can say that regarding the hostile politics towards refugees directed by the government here, that is not a picture I can recognize in the people I know, it is not the mindset of my brothers and sisters here.
Gundelach: Pretty girls. Pretty dudes also I guess...
Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS: Finns are heavy drinkers. Not just alcohol but also coffee. We are the biggest consumers of coffee in the world.
2. Name three songs that should not be absent from your personal ‘Nordic Music Playlist’
DANSEVISE – jørgen og grethe ingemann (that song won the european song contest in 1963. It a very beautiful song I think. Also Lars HUG the danish popsinger made a very beautiful cover later on.
Ebbe Skammelsøn – a traditional danish song about a medieval family by the name of Skammel, one of the five brothers kills his brother and his own wife because they became too friendly in his absence, and in his anger he also cuts off his mothers hand and wounds his father severely, during a party. Then he is outcast. I played that song a lot as a child. Also as a theater play with the school and I played cello in the orchestra. It has a very beautiful melody and then it has tons of verses and long repetitions in the end of each verse. heavy stuff.
Tit er jeg glad – a very sad and beautiful song sung mostly in the churches and at the højskoler.
RADHA TONEFF – The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS:
TEKSTI-TV 666 – Silmät kiinni ja kädet ristiin
VARVARA – Caught
MÄSÄ – Sekaisin Makista
3. What can we expect from your performance at the Ja Ja Ja club night?
CTM: Mmmm expectations, I dont really know, I am sorry. You’ll have to come and see.
Gundelach: To remember it!
Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS: Loud, loud, loud. And a steaming, dehydrated drummer.
4. What has been your best and also your most frustrating moment in your life as an artist so far?
Gundelach: The best might have been when we played in front of 1700 people in Oslo about a month ago. The most frustrating part is when my bass player Ole has smelly feet when we are rehearsing. (laughs)
Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS: Our show at full packed tent at last years Flow Festival was pretty nice moment and some good album reviews felt good. Finnish winter can be quite nasty for a musician walking to a bus station with all your equipment and it’s -30 degrees.
5. Unleash your inner Burt Bacharach and complete the following sentence… ‘What the world needs now is…’
CTM: I just read that Karachi in Pakistan is out of water. One can hardly imagine the horror. So of course; water and food for everybody. Also we need to never forget, never doubt the profound and genuine stupidity of mankind, but that’s hard to forget at the moment in DK at least, with this herd of greedy, opportunist, crazy people running the government.
Gundelach: Less basic bitches
Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS: A new Paul Thomas Anderson film.
6. We are all about hope and passion – what two elements define your artistic work?
CTM: Water and oil, yeah. And smoke.
Gundelach: Genuineness and melancholy.
Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS: Hard to say but not pineapple or ham on pizza, that’s for sure!
NBHAP & FluxFM presents Ja Ja Ja Club Night
Hamburg. Wednesday, April 13th, 2015 (Molotow)
Pre-Sale: 5€ (JaJaJa member) / 7€ (non-member)
Sign up for membership | Get tickets | RVSP on Facebook
Berlin. Thursday, April 14th, 2015 (Fluxbau)
Pre-Sale: 5€ (JaJaJa member) / 7€ (non-member)
Sign up for membership | Get tickets | RVSP on Facebook