Clockwise, starting from top left: Apothek, L.A. Salami, Mai Kino, Pixx
NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION‘s weekly round-up of new songs, musical discoveries and lovely little gems that definitely didn’t deserve to slip under your radar. This is what last week sounded like.
School ’94 – ‘Common Sense’
Looks like Gohtenburg-based SCHOOL ’94 are ready to provide your upcoming summer soundtrack with their latest single. Common Sense is powerful and uplifting shoegaze-pop which clearly recalls the era the band named itself after but it manages to remain in the here and now. It’s quite a little pop anthem. Their new EP Bound arrives in early June, just in time for the sunny season. This can’t be a coinsidence.
Pixx – ‘Baboo’
Somehow we’ve overlooked British songwriter Hannah Rodgers and her alter ego PIXX so far but the hype is for real and if acclaimed label 4AD is on board we better be too. Following her debut EP Fall In she now shared a hypnotic new single called Baboo which comes with a slight psychedelic music video, shot in the British countryside. It almost feels a bit like the female version of ARIEL PINK and MAC DeMARCO, right?
Mai Kino – ‘The Waves’
Portuguese-born and London-based Catarina Morenois and her alter ego MAI KINO deliver just the amount of sinister synthpop magic with songwriter depth that gives pop an edgy side. The Waves is a really sweet and hypnoitzing piece that should be argument enough to keep this young lady on your musical radar.
Burkini Beach – ‘Hungover’
BURKINI BEACH is the alter ego of German singer/songwriter Rudi Maier. His specialty: dreamy folk songs with an undeniable lo-fi charm and a lot of authentic spirit. The track Hungover is a cover of a song by Matt Taylor aka WAYLOR, a former member of indie/folk rock band DRY THE RIVER. Both gentlemen became friends during a past tour and even recorded a split EP together. And we couldn’t think of a better proof of friendship than this one.
Apothek – ‘Waiting For The Thunder (Jaakko Eino Kalevi rework ft. Samaris)
We’ve got a Nordic superstar alignment here as three of the most talented acts around come together on a track. JAAKKO EINO KALEVI has reworked APOTHEK‘s moody single Waiting For The Thunder, with a little help from SAMARIS‘ Jófríður Ákadóttir on vocals. The new take is darker, a slice of shapeshifting electronica with a healthy dose of unease.
Tobacco – ‘Gods In Heat’
Pennsylvania musician TOBACCO has a spectacularly unique sound, which is difficult to describe adequately in words alone: the closest I can get is ‘debauched maniac trying to seduce you through a broken radio’. That black magic menace is strongly present on new single Gods In Heat, seeping though the hiss like strange heat from the other side. It’s wickedly powerful and alluring, and it’s confirmation that he still sounds like nothing else out there. TOBACCO‘s new album Sweatbox Dynasty is out on August 19th on Ghostly.
Peder – ‘Still Life’
Danish producer PEDER is a man with irons in many fires. He’s been part of hip-hop group THE PRUNES, obviously produces his own music and also works as a video director. That hyperactive work ethic can be seen on his fourth album, Come With Me, which he’s releasing three different versions of (the original, an instrumental version and one with guests). This song, Still Life, is taken from the guest version and features the vocals of fellow Dane OH LAND. It’s elegant neo-cabaret, OH LAND‘s vocal and the swooping strings combining on a song steeped in atmosphere and charming grace. Come With Me (all three versions) is out now on Lizardshakedown.
L.A. Salami – ‘The City Nowadays’
Never judge a book by its cover or an artist by its name. L.A SALAMI might sound funny at the first please but the music of British musician Lookman Adekunle Salami is deeply honest and powerful. His new single The City Nowadays mixs dirty chain-gang blues with rap, raw garage rock and politically charged lyrics. It makes sense that he asks ‘What happened to Rock’N’Roll?’ and ‘What happened to Hip Hop?’ in the course of this song as he questions our shallow fast food society. Amen, Mr. SALAMI… we totally get you! His debut LP Dancing With Bad Grammar arrives later in 2016 so you better keep your eyes on him.
If you want the latest sounds don’t forget to follow NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION‘s ‘New Releases’ playlist on Spotify, featuring the 50 freshest new songs we recently featured on our page. For other more frequent news don’t forget to follow NBHAP on Twitter and Facebook as well.