Photo by Fabian Thüroff
Promising German indietronic three-piece BOMBEE has shared more material from their next album. Clear Lines is the name of the gentle piece of dream pop which follows the already released Calm Down as a second teaser from the follow-up to their 2013 EP Aurelia. The new record Golden Cage arrives sometimes in 2016. BOMBEE are also heading for a small fall tour soon, presented by NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION.
Find the dates below the new track and let us know if you want to attend. We got free tickets if you write us to win@nbhap.com, featuring the subject ‘Bombee’, your full name and city of choice. But for now, enjoy Clear Lines.
NBHAP presents: Bombee on tour
07.11.2015 – DE – Berlin – FluxBau
08.11.2015 – DE – Dresden – GrooveStation Dresden
13.11.2015 – DE – Leipzig – Neues Schauspiel Leipzig
17.11.2015 – DE – Chemnitz – Atomino