BTMO - Photo by Erica Elfström

Photo by Erica Elfström

Let’s fight some clichés today. We’re all sick of hearing Scandinavian music moan and whine all the time, aren’t we? Even though there’s no doubt that it might create moments of musical bliss when it’s got a fair amount of melancholy. The Swedish alternative-country-formation BRING THE MOURNING ON released their second album Ukiah last year and for most parts, it would fit into the cliché quite well.

If there wouldn’t be this little piece of upbeat in it, called Cold. It’s playful, though not cheerful, it’s entertaining, it’s a little glimpse of joy – at least musically spoken. But this is life, you know, one dimension won’t work with it. So here we go: NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION proudly presents the newest video of BRING THE MOURNING ON – follow the annoying everyday-life-backing-band in this clip for their song Cold.